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( berandu)

  • 1 berandu

    1. late; \berandu da it's late; \berandu dabiltza they're running late; orain \berandu da now it's late
    2. tardy
    du/ad. [ berandu, berant, beranduko ] (denboran atzeratu) to set back, put off; berantzen dute beren bekatu berria aitortzea they put off confessing their new sin

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > berandu

  • 2 berandu


    Euskal-errusiar hiztegi > berandu

  • 3 berandu

    tarde,/ hacerse tarde

    Glosario Euskera Español > berandu

  • 4 berandu da

    es tarde

    Glosario Euskera Español > berandu da

  • 5 berandu


    Euskara-ingeles hiztegi berria > berandu

  • 6 berandu-markola

    cierta castaña.

    Glosario Euskera Español > berandu-markola

  • 7 berandu gara

    we are late

    Euskara-ingeles hiztegi berria > berandu gara

  • 8 поздно


    Русско-баскский словарь > поздно

  • 9 luze

    1. duration, length; bere biziaren \luzea the duration of his life; barka, arren, aipamenaren \luzea please forgive the length of the remark
    2. bidearen \luzera along the road | alongside the road
    3. \luzearen \luzez over a long period of time
    4. Kir. \luzeko jokoa baseline game io.
    1. ( neurria, ez laburra, ez motza) long; nolako \luzea da? how long is it?; ile \luzea du she has long hair; haga \luze batetik zintzilik zegoen it was hanging from a long pole; ez da behar adinako luzea it isn't long enough; bidai \luze long {trip || journey}; bide \luze egin duk you've come a long way; soineko \luze long dress; Van Gogh-en eskutitz \luze batean in a long letter from Van Gogh; eta ulertu nahi ez dutenek, berriz, beste traidore baten izen a idatziko dute beren zerrenda beltz gero eta \luzeagoan on the other hand, those who don't want to understand will write down the name of another traitor on their ever lengthening black list
    b. ( luzapena) prolonged, extended
    c. ( bokala) long
    d. (z.o.) good, long; bost kilometro \luze a good five kilometres
    e. ( + zenbakia) 50 metro \luze eta 25 metro zabal 50 metres long and 25 metres wide; lau milimetro \luzeko ile(ak) hair four millimetres long
    2. ( denboraldia, iraunaldia)
    a. long, lengthy, protracted; urte \luzeak long years | many years; barau \luzea a long fast; lan gaitz eta \luzea long and difficult work; ez du denbora \luzeean iraungo it's not going to last very much longer; mende \luzeen lasaikeriagatik on account of many long centuries of neglect; espetxean egon zen 27 urte \luzez he was in prison for 27 long years
    b. ( epea) long
    3. ( altua) tall; gizon \luze eta lerdena zen he was a tall and slim man
    4. ( berandu, e.a.) late; \luze egin zait it's gotten late; \luze gabe jakingo duzu you'll know before long; \luzeen dela | \luzeenaz ere at most | at the latest
    5. ( patxadatsua) slow, sluggish
    6. ( eskuzabala) generous
    7. stretched out; bertan \luze gelditu to drop dead
    8. (irud.) beso \luzeak ditu he's got pull | he's influential; hortzak \luzerik gelditu zen he was still hungry; azkazal \luze thief adb.
    1. long; \luze mintzatu zen he spoke at length; egia esan, \luze jo zidan sendatzeak in fact, it was one long road to recovery
    2. sprawled out, stretched out; etxeko astorik handiena hilda \luze gelditu zaio the biggest donkey on his farm wound up dead, lying sprawled out
    3. (L) ( berandu) \luze dator he's late

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > luze

  • 10 atzeratu

    a. ( herria) backward, under-developed
    b. ( metodoa, e.a.) backward
    2. ( p., adimena) retarded
    3. ( aldizkariari d.) back; ale \atzeratua back issue du/ad.
    a. to postpone, put back; jaialdia \atzeratuegin dute the festival has been postponed
    b. to set back; gidariaren gaisoaldiak \atzeratu egin zuen ibilaldia the driver' s illness set the trip back
    c. ( uste edo behar baino denbora gehiago igaro) to set back, put back; bi urte \atzeratu zen lana bukatzeko the work was set back two years to finish it
    a. to hold back; haren zakartasunak atzeratzen nau joatetik his rudeness holds me back from going
    b. ( erloju) to put back, set back; erlojua \atzeratu egin du he' s set his watch back; erloju horrek hamar mintu atzeratzen ditu eguero that clock runs ten minutes behind every day
    a. to put back; ez oinik \atzeratu! don' t step back!
    b. ( bultzatuz) to push back; atzera itzazu aulki horiek! push those chairs back!; atzera ezazu aulkia scoot your chair back
    4. {\atzeraturik || \atzeratu(t)a} egon to be behind; \atzeratu(t)a dabil eskolan she' s behind in school; arlo horretan inguruko herriak baino \atzeratuagoak gabiltza in that field we' re running behind the neighbouring countries da/ad.
    1. ( berandu heldu) to {be || run} behind; lagun batekin suertatu eta \atzeratu egin naiz I {chanced upon || ran into} a friend and {got || fell} behind
    a. ( atzera egin) to withdraw; ibaiaz beste aldera \atzeratu ziren they withdrew to the other side of the river
    b. ( pauso bat atzera) to step back, take a step back; atzera zaitez apur bat step back a bit
    a. ( utzi) to stop, hold back; on egitetik \atzeratu to {stop || hold back from} doing good
    b. to quit; erabakia hartuz gero ez zen \atzeratu once he made the decision, he didn' t quit

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > atzeratu

  • 11 bederen

    1. at least; urtean behin \bederen at least once a year
    2. garaipena, ordea, nik \bederen, ez dut garbi ikusten nevertheless victory, as least for me, is not so clear as I see it junt. or not, though; etorri egingo dira, berandu \bederen they will come, late or not | they'll come, though late

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > bederen

  • 12 bi

    [from *bia from *bida, biga] zenb. [ zehazt. ]
    a. two; bi gizon etorri ziren two men came; txakur \bi (B) | \bi txakur two dogs; \bi bitara two against two ; \bi ordu barru in two hours; \bi aldeko hitz double-entendre | ambiguous word; \bi bider twice | two times; \bi mila \\ miloi two thousand \\ million; \bi haritz handiren artean between two great oaks; \bi sailetan banatua split between two departments; hitz \bitan esanda in a nutshell
    b. (izenordain gisa) two; bat dugunean, \bi nahi ditugu when we have one, we want two ; \bi eta \bi lau two and two are four; arrautza batekin ala \birekin? with one egg or two?; \bitik bat one out of two; \birena egin to play a double role
    a. (+ -ak) \biak both; \bi mutil etorri ziren two boys came; \bi mutilak etorri ziren {both boys || the two boys} came; gazte haiek \biak both those youths ; kalearen \bi aldeak both sides of the street
    b. (+ -ak orduak adierazteko) ordu \biak two o'clock; ordu\bietan at two o'clock
    c. (+ -ak, izenik gabe) \biak both; \biak joan ziren both went ; \biak Oriokoak dira both are from Orio; alkateak eta \biak horrela dira both he and the mayor are like that; \biak \bietara egingo dute just the two of them will do it
    3. (+ -ok)
    a. (guri buruz) \biok joango gara {we both || both of us} will go |; we'll both go; Garikoitz eta \biok Garikoitz and me | Garikoitz and I formala. ; \biok \bitara egingu dugu just the two of us will do it
    b. (zuei buruz) \biok joango zarete {you both || both of us || you two} will go | you'll both go; Garikoitz eta \biok dakizue hori Garikoitz and you know that
    4. (esa.) hi eta ni \bi gaituk you and I are {on opposite ends || in opposite camps} | you and I are totally different ; \bien bitartean in the meantime |meanwhile; hitzak bat, eginak \bi words are one thing, acts another; berandu etorri eta neureak eta \bi entzun behar nituen I came late and was raked over the coals for it

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > bi

  • 13 bizkortu

    a. to stimulate, enliven, liven up, quicken; adimenaren gaitasun guztiak bizkortzen ditu; gure berezko grina eta joera guztiak pizten, handitzen, hedatzen eta garbitzen ditu it quickens all the intellectual faculties, increases, enlarges, expands and purifies all the natural passions and affections
    b. (adoretu) to boost, reinforce; bere itxaropena indartu eta \bizkortu zuen it strengthened and boosted his hopes
    c. (sustatu) to promote, foster, boost
    2. (motorea) to rev up da/ad.
    1. (eritasunetik) to strengthen, grow strong
    a. to liven up; geldo ibili da baina orain \bizkortu da he's been sluggish but now he's livened up
    b. (presa hartu) to hurry up; bizkor ibiltzen ez bazara berandu helduko zara if you don't hurry up, you'll be late

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > bizkortu

  • 14 gaitz

    [cf. Iber. "cais"] iz.
    a. ( kaltea) harm, hurt
    b. ( aiherra) harm, ill intent; \gaitzik gabe egin to do sth without spite
    c. (esa.) \gaitz erdi! just as well! ; eta \gaitz erdi berandu etorri zela! it was a good thing that he was late too
    a. ( eritasuna) disease, ailment, malady formala.
    b. (irud.) gure hizkuntzaren batasuna dela soinean daramatzan \gaitz guztien erremedioa the unity of our language is the remedy to all its physical ills
    3. ( akatsa) flaw, defect da/ad.
    a. ( zaila) difficult; euskalkien arteko batasuna egitea \gaitz bada ere although it is difficult to forge unity among the Basque dialects; \gaitzago da oraindik, azkoz ere \gaitzago, inguruko erdara batetik euskarara itzultzea, erdara horietako batetik baino it is even more difficult, indeed much more difficult to translate from Spanish and French to Basque than it is from French to Spanish or viceversa
    b. ( bidea) hard, rough, difficult
    2. ( txarra) bad; ordu \gaitzean etorri zen she came at a bad time; egun \gaitza benetan a truly awful day
    3. ( lurra) hard, parched
    4. ( handi-handia) great; haserre \gaitza livid anger

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > gaitz

  • 15 gehienetan

    adb. mostly, most of the time; berandu etortzen dira \gehienetan they're late most of the time

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > gehienetan

  • 16 goiz

    1. morning; larunbat \goizean on Saturday morning; \goizean in the morning; bihar \goizean tomorrow morning; \goizeko seietan at six in the morning | at six a.m.; goizean \goiz early in the morning
    2. [ izenen aurrean ]
    a. morning-; \goiz-ezkila morning bell
    b. early; \goiz-arto early corn adb.
    1. early; nora zoaz horren \goiz? where are you going so early?
    2. ( ez berandu) early; \goiz bazkaldu genuen we had lunch early

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > goiz

  • 17 gutxi

    1. ( zenbatu ezinezko izenekin) little; ur \gutxi little water; gazta \gutxi gelditzen da there's little cheese left
    2. ( zenbatzeko moduko izenekin) few; liburu \gutxi few books; mongoliar \gutxi few Mongolians; egun \gutxi barru in a few days
    3. ( elipsian) few; \gutxik ezagutzen dute few know him
    4. ( ordua adierazteko) to, till; hirurak laurden \gutxi a quarter to three
    5. (esa.) \gutxi bat a bit; \gutxiz gehiena nearly all; eta \gutxi balitz, berandu etorri zen {and to make matters worse || and to top it off}, he came late; \gutxi gora-behera more or less adb. little; orain \gutxi egiten du now he does little; \gutxi gora behera more or less; orain dela \gutxi a little ago | a short time ago

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > gutxi

  • 18 hain

    [from *haen from haren] adb. [ + 3 ]
    1. so; \hain ederra zen she wasso beautiful ; hark \hain ederki ezagutzen duena he who knows her so well ; ez nuen uste \hain berandu helduko zirenik I didn't think that they would arrive so late
    2. such
    a. ( hain... -(e)la, non...) so... that; ikasgaia \hain zaila da, non gehienek ez baitute gainditzen the subject is so difficult that most don't pass it; \hain da ona non beste guztiak haren aldean txarrak baitira he is so good that the all the others are bad in comparison
    b. ( hain... nola) as... as; \hain ederra zen nola udaberriko lorea she was a beautiful as a flower in the spring
    c. ( hain gutxi) nor, neither; \hain gutxi ez dut bideorik, hain gutxi telebistarik I haven't got a video,nor have I got a television; ez du beldur beroa, \hain gutxi izotza he is not afraid of heat nor is he of ice
    d. ( ez... hain laster... non...) as soon as, no sooner; ez dira \hain hurbiltzen etxera, non baitoakio aita aitzinera as soon as he was getting near his house, out came his father in front
    e. hain modutan... (e)ze in such a way that, to such an extent that; hark ematen digu janaria eta janztekoa, \hain modutan ze ez daukagun bere eskuetatik ez datorkigun gauzarik he gives us food and clothing to such an extent that we have nothing that doesn't come from him
    3. \hain zuzen ere i. to be exact; Marie Antoinette, \hain zuzen ere, gillotinatu zuten Marie Antoinette, to be exact, was guillotined; \hain zuzen hori zen behar nuena that was exactly which I needed ii. namely
    izo. ( halako) such a; \hain lekuan in such a place; zeren \hainek ez baitute egundaino ikusi bertutearen edertasuna for such people have hitherto failed to see the beauty of virtue ; nork ere maiteago baititu ondasunak ontasuna baino, \haina ez da niretzat on whoever loves worldly goods more than good, such a person is not a good person for me; \hainak eta halakoek mehatxatzen zituzten suchlike were the ones who threatened them; eta Jainkoaren aginduak zaintzen dituena, Jainkoaren baitan dago, eta Jainkoa \hainaren baitan those who keep God's laws are within God and God is within such people

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > hain

  • 19 jadaneko

    il. current; \jadaneko legeak laws already in force adb. ( dagoeneko) already; \jadaneko berandu da it's already late

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > jadaneko

  • 20 nolatan

    2. \nolatan etorri zarete horren berandu? how is it that you came so late? junt. \nolatan (eta)... -(e)n unless |except when; ez dute ezer lortuko \nolatan eta jarrera aldatzen ez duten they won't get anywhere unless they change their attitude

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > nolatan

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